After having a rough day yesterday, I decided to put my neon heels on and as I walked through Tenderloin I got more compliments within 2 blocks than I have gotten all year. #tenderloin #everyonematters #roughday #feelingdown #feelingblue #cheermeup #magicshoes #shoes #heels #compliments #feelingbetter #uplifted #angels #thankyou #thankyouuniverse #getup #keepgoing #yellowshoes #yellow #neon #neoncolor

After having a rough day yesterday, I decided to put my neon heels on and as I walked through Tenderloin I got more compliments within 2 blocks than I have gotten all year. #tenderloin #everyonematters #roughday #feelingdown #feelingblue #cheermeup  #magicshoes #shoes #heels #compliments #feelingbetter #uplifted #angels #thankyou #thankyouuniverse #getup #keepgoing #yellowshoes #yellow #neon #neoncolor

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

12. toukokuuta 2017