Day 1/10. Performer/Artist Challenge. Every day, select an image from a day in the life of a Performer/Artist – a photo from a day you felt fierce or a memorable moment you've had during a performance/show, and post it without a single explanation, then nominate somebody to take the challenge. I challenge @nikkiforovamusic #throwback #dancer #moderndance #teenager

Day 1/10. Performer/Artist Challenge. Every day, select an image from a day in the life of a Performer/Artist - a photo from a day you felt fierce or a memorable moment you've had during a performance/show, and post it without a single explanation, then nominate somebody to take the challenge. I challenge @nikkiforovamusic #throwback #dancer #moderndance #teenager

Kommentoi artikkelia

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

27. tammikuuta 2020