Getting ready for our gig @lovecraftnyc tonight (Dec 16th) at 9pm. Come and support a good cause. The $5 entry donations go to @freedom_ladder to help them with their goal to end depression in nyc. @setnyc #livemusic #tonight #indiemusic #cover #christmas #christmassong #chestnut #gold #gift #singersongwriter #rendition #indiepop #groovy #nyc #newyorkcity

Getting ready for our gig @lovecraftnyc tonight (Dec 16th) at 9pm. Come and support a good cause. The $5 entry donations go to @freedom_ladder to help them with their goal to end depression in nyc. @setnyc #livemusic #tonight #indiemusic #cover #christmas #christmassong #chestnut #gold #gift #singersongwriter #rendition #indiepop #groovy #nyc #newyorkcity

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16. joulukuuta 2017