Got inspired at the Global Goals World Cup NYC today! The special guests @nikolajwilliamcw (Game of Thrones) @akon @crownprincehaakon @erna_solberg (prime minister of Norway) were impressive and I was so happy to get a picture with AKON!!! But to me the real stars of this event were the brave women’s rights activists who shared their stories about fighting for gender equality in Iran and Afghanistan and the Hall of Fame Rhythmic Gymnast, Jessica Howard, for advocating against child sexual abuse in sports. #unitednations @theglobalgoals @unwomen @sapnextgen #globalgoals #womensrights #childabuseawareness #sports #ggwcup #sheinnovates #gameofthrones #nikolajcosterwaldau #akon #primeminister #bravewomen #makingachange

Got inspired at the Global Goals World Cup NYC today! The special guests @nikolajwilliamcw (Game of Thrones) @akon @crownprincehaakon @erna_solberg (prime minister of Norway) were impressive and I was so happy to get a picture with AKON!!! But to me the real stars of this event were the brave women’s rights activists who shared their stories about fighting for gender equality in Iran and Afghanistan and the Hall of Fame Rhythmic Gymnast, Jessica Howard, for advocating against child sexual abuse in sports. #unitednations @theglobalgoals @unwomen @sapnextgen #globalgoals #womensrights #childabuseawareness #sports #ggwcup #sheinnovates #gameofthrones #nikolajcosterwaldau #akon #primeminister #bravewomen #makingachange

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26. syyskuuta 2018