Happy Martin Luther King day! It was amazing to sing to these wonderful senior citizens with my brothers and sisters from different faiths on this Peninsula Multifaith coalition's Annual Day of Service. #martinlutherkingday #mlk #mlkday #dayofservice #peninsula #multifaith #coalition #pmc #servingothers #singing #sharinglove #leanonme #billwithers #seniorcitizens #elderly #assistedliving #senior #faith #united #incommon #service #seniorhousing

Happy Martin Luther King day! It was amazing to sing to these wonderful senior citizens with my brothers and sisters from different faiths on this Peninsula Multifaith coalition's Annual Day of Service. #martinlutherkingday #mlk #mlkday #dayofservice #peninsula #multifaith #coalition #pmc #servingothers #singing #sharinglove #leanonme #billwithers #seniorcitizens #elderly #assistedliving #senior #faith #united #incommon #service #seniorhousing

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17. tammikuuta 2017