Happy summer solstice! Hyvää Juhannusta! Glad midsommar!! I went to a Swedish Midsummer festival to make myself a flower wreath and ended the night at the annual Summer Solstice Yoga at Times Square. #midsommar #summersolstice #juhannus #nyc #newyorkcity #finnishgirl #tradition #yoga #flowers #flowercrown #wreath #solsticeintimessquare #solsticetsq @timessquarenyc #swedish #maypole #midsommarstång

Happy summer solstice! Hyvää Juhannusta! Glad midsommar!! I went to a Swedish Midsummer festival to make myself a flower wreath and ended the night at the annual Summer Solstice Yoga at Times Square. #midsommar #summersolstice #juhannus #nyc #newyorkcity #finnishgirl #tradition #yoga #flowers #flowercrown #wreath #solsticeintimessquare #solsticetsq @timessquarenyc #swedish #maypole #midsommarstång

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22. kesäkuuta 2019