Hope this doesn't happen tonight…haha!! Come see the moves and hear the grooves tonight 9pm @amplyfi in Hollywood!! More info in the link on my bio!! #gig #tonight #livemusic #musicvenue #LA #LosAngeles #Hollywood #thingstodo #performance #singer #singersongwriter #electroacoustic #pop #indiepop #indieartist #indiemusic #humor #funny #laugh #dontmessup #gag #gagreel #dance #dancer #dancemoves

Hope this doesn't happen tonight...haha!! Come see the moves and hear the grooves tonight 9pm @amplyfi in Hollywood!! More info in the link on my bio!! #gig #tonight #livemusic #musicvenue #LA #LosAngeles #Hollywood #thingstodo #performance #singer #singersongwriter #electroacoustic #pop #indiepop #indieartist #indiemusic #humor #funny #laugh #dontmessup #gag #gagreel #dance #dancer #dancemoves

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24. kesäkuuta 2017