How lucky was I to get free tickets to the dress rehearsal of Don Giovanni through my fabulous friend that sings the part of Donna Anna. And to get to sit on the 4th row was amazing. I savored it because I will probably never get to do that again. #themetropolitanopera #soimpressed #opera #dressrehearsal #italianopera #culture #nyc #music #gold #goldenleaves #operahouse #themetopera

How lucky was I to get free tickets to the dress rehearsal of Don Giovanni through my fabulous friend that sings the part of Donna Anna. And to get to sit on the 4th row was amazing. I savored it because I will probably never get to do that again. #themetropolitanopera #soimpressed #opera #dressrehearsal #italianopera #culture #nyc #music #gold #goldenleaves #operahouse #themetopera

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29. tammikuuta 2019