I finally got to see the @hamiltonmusical !!! It sure is a genius work of art! I’m so addicted to the music that the songs just keep playing in my head over and over again! #amazing #broadway #musical #americanhistory #hamilton #hamiltonmusical #theroomwhereithappens #satisfied #burn #nyc #educational #genius #workofart #magnificent #happy #independence #foundingfathers #president

I finally got to see the @hamiltonmusical !!! It sure is a genius work of art! I’m so addicted to the music that the songs just keep playing in my head over and over again! #amazing #broadway #musical #americanhistory #hamilton #hamiltonmusical #theroomwhereithappens #satisfied #burn #nyc #educational #genius #workofart #magnificent #happy #independence #foundingfathers #president

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

10. heinäkuuta 2018