I laughed my heart out at tonight’s premiere/screening of “The week of” with @adamsandler @chrisrock and Steve Buscemi. And how cool was it to watch it with them. Thank you @1iota for hooking us up with the free tickets once again. #nyclife #myneighborhood #netflix #amc #moviescreening #premiere #nyc #redcarpet #adamsandler #chrisrock #stevebuscemi #comedy #lol #funny #humor #comedian

I laughed my heart out at tonight’s premiere/screening of “The week of” with @adamsandler @chrisrock and Steve Buscemi. And how cool was it to watch it with them. Thank you @1iota for hooking us up with the free tickets once again. #nyclife #myneighborhood #netflix #amc #moviescreening #premiere #nyc #redcarpet #adamsandler #chrisrock #stevebuscemi #comedy #lol #funny #humor #comedian

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24. huhtikuuta 2018