I love love love the beaches in Southern California. The water is too cold to swim in the Bay Area, so I really enjoy every chance I get to go to the beach in SoCal! #yoga #yogaonthebeach #treepose #sand #santamonica #santamonicabeach #sun #swimsuit #swimwear #swimming #ocean #pacific #beach #beachbabe #turquoise #pokadots #enjoythesun #relax #soakitin #socal #southerncalifornia #california #ca #la #losangeles #smile #happy #lifeguard #baywatch #water

I love love love the beaches in Southern California. The water is too cold to swim in the Bay Area, so I really enjoy every chance I get to go to the beach in SoCal! #yoga #yogaonthebeach #treepose #sand #santamonica #santamonicabeach #sun #swimsuit #swimwear #swimming #ocean #pacific #beach #beachbabe #turquoise #pokadots #enjoythesun #relax #soakitin #socal #southerncalifornia #california #ca #la #losangeles #smile #happy #lifeguard #baywatch #water

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16. heinäkuuta 2017