I love my new earrings. It was fun to try and match my make up with them. #makeup #selfie #imperfection #notflawless #fun #littlejoys #smallthings #match #nofake #colorcoordinated #matchymatchy #red #yellow #green #eyeshadow #redlips #colorfulmakeup #greeneyeshadow #earrings

I love my new earrings. It was fun to try and match my make up with them. #makeup #selfie #imperfection #notflawless #fun #littlejoys #smallthings #match #nofake #colorcoordinated #matchymatchy #red #yellow #green #eyeshadow #redlips #colorfulmakeup #greeneyeshadow #earrings

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

23. elokuuta 2018