I wish these murals (on the Coney Island boardwalk) about the damage we’re doing to our planet would effect the recycling situation at the Coney Island beach and boardwalk. #disappointed #recycle #irony #sad #reality #earth #environment #plastic #trash #savetheplanet #savetheanimals #savetheearth #recycling #consciousliving #betterchoices #mural #wallart #art #painting #wallpainting #warningsigns #waste #coneyisland #coneyislandbeach #coneyislandboardwalk #nyc #brooklyn

I wish these murals (on the Coney Island boardwalk) about the damage we’re doing to our planet would effect the recycling situation at the Coney Island beach and boardwalk. #disappointed #recycle #irony #sad #reality #earth #environment #plastic #trash #savetheplanet #savetheanimals #savetheearth #recycling #consciousliving #betterchoices #mural #wallart #art #painting #wallpainting #warningsigns #waste #coneyisland #coneyislandbeach #coneyislandboardwalk #nyc #brooklyn

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

6. heinäkuuta 2018