If you’re in NYC tomorrow (Monday November 26th) come support me in the semifinals of "So you think you can belt?" on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Doors open at 8.30pm. Show starts at 9pm.Cover charge $5 before the show starts, $9 after it starts. AND you get double the amount of “vote vouchers” if you get there before 9pm.#voice #competition #music #performance #livemusic #nyc #uws #upperwestside #soyouthinkyoucanbelt

If you’re in NYC tomorrow (Monday November 26th) come support me in the semifinals of "So you think you can belt?" on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Doors open at 8.30pm. Show starts at 9pm.Cover charge $5 before the show starts, $9 after it starts. AND you get double the amount of “vote vouchers” if you get there before 9pm.#voice #competition #music #performance #livemusic #nyc #uws #upperwestside #soyouthinkyoucanbelt

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26. marraskuuta 2018