I’m performing with @jiheeheonycpianist next Friday, May 19th at the @kota_alliance Nest in Harlem. Eventbrite link in my bio. We’re not performing this particular song, but I just wanted to share this video from 2018 of me covering Lisa Left Eye Lopez’s rap from “You Know what’s up” by Donell Jones. #throwback #performance #singersongwriter #nonprofit #womensempowerment #genderequality #finnish #cover #lisalefteyelopes #donelljones

I’m performing with @jiheeheonycpianist next Friday, May 19th at the @kota_alliance Nest in Harlem. Eventbrite link in my bio. We’re not performing this particular song, but I just wanted to share this video from 2018 of me covering Lisa Left Eye Lopez’s rap from “You Know what’s up” by Donell Jones. #throwback  #performance #singersongwriter #nonprofit #womensempowerment #genderequality #finnish #cover #lisalefteyelopes #donelljones

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13. toukokuuta 2023