I’m so grateful that I get to teach voice lessons @voiceacademy! Tonight and every Thursday, I teach a drop-in class called “Singing 101” from 6.30-7.30pm at 305 W 38th st. I also offer private lessons and a “Secrets of Singing” 5-week group course on Wednesdays and Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm. Check out www.voiceacademynyc.com #voicelessons #voiceteacher #nyc #voiceacademynyc #vocalcoach #singer #singersongwriter #ripleygrier #singing #sing #voice #musicschool

I’m so grateful that I get to teach voice lessons @voiceacademy! Tonight and every Thursday, I teach a drop-in class called “Singing 101” from 6.30-7.30pm at 305 W 38th st. I also offer private lessons and a “Secrets of Singing” 5-week group course on Wednesdays and Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm. Check out www.voiceacademynyc.com #voicelessons #voiceteacher #nyc #voiceacademynyc #vocalcoach #singer #singersongwriter #ripleygrier #singing #sing #voice #musicschool

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31. tammikuuta 2019