I’m teaching a 5-week group course “Secrets of Singing” that will be held on Monday evenings 7-8pm. There are still spots left. One with your name on it. And one for your karaoke singing buddy. Book at www.voiceacademynyc.com #voicelessons #grouplessons #secretsofsinging #voiceacademynyc #singinglessons #nyc #learntosing

I’m teaching a 5-week group course “Secrets of Singing” that will be held on Monday evenings 7-8pm. There are still spots left. One with your name on it. And one for your karaoke singing buddy. Book at www.voiceacademynyc.com  #voicelessons #grouplessons #secretsofsinging #voiceacademynyc #singinglessons #nyc #learntosing

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29. huhtikuuta 2023