It’s Father’s Day in Finland today! I’m so grateful for my awesome dad! He is always there for me. He is funny, smart, kind, handsome and he is a real life MacGyver, always finds a way to make things work. #fathersday #fatherdaughter #dad #bestdadever #mydaddy #idol #funny #smart #handsome #nineties #90s #mustache #daddy #isi #isänpäivä #iskä #isä

It’s Father’s Day in Finland today! I’m so grateful for my awesome dad! He is always there for me. He is funny, smart, kind, handsome and he is a real life MacGyver, always finds a way to make things work. #fathersday #fatherdaughter #dad #bestdadever #mydaddy #idol #funny #smart #handsome #nineties #90s #mustache #daddy #isi #isänpäivä #iskä #isä

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12. marraskuuta 2018