JUNE 29th – 7 artists from across the country are taking Center Stage in NYC – Come see me perform at the headline event of @centerforldsarts festival! Link to Facebook event for more info in my bio! #singersongwriter #indieartist #indiepop #nyc #ldsartist #artists #musicians @kaitieforbesmusic @obasmusic @jennblosil @tishmal_ @johntarbet @nikkibohne

JUNE 29th - 7 artists from across the country are taking Center Stage in NYC -  Come see me perform at the headline event of @centerforldsarts festival! Link to Facebook event for more info in my bio! #singersongwriter #indieartist #indiepop #nyc #ldsartist #artists #musicians @kaitieforbesmusic @obasmusic @jennblosil @tishmal_  @johntarbet @nikkibohne

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18. kesäkuuta 2019