LAST CHANCE to get your tickets for my concert tomorrow . Ticket sales end today at 6pm ET. Your tickets also include food & 2 drinks. And you will be helping @kota_alliance in their work to empower women and promote gender equality. I have the honor of performing my music with @jiheeheonycpianist #eventbrite ticket link in my bio #nonprofit #singersongwriter #finnish #finland @finlandcenterny #

LAST CHANCE to get your tickets for my concert tomorrow . Ticket sales end today at 6pm ET. Your tickets also include food & 2 drinks. And you will be helping @kota_alliance in their work to empower women and promote gender equality. I have the honor of performing my music with @jiheeheonycpianist  #eventbrite ticket link in my bio  #nonprofit #singersongwriter #finnish #finland @finlandcenterny #

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

18. toukokuuta 2023