My next gig in NYC is in 6 days @treehausmimanyc This time it will just be an acoustic guitarist and I. The event supports in their efforts to help end child trafficking and NYC depression with consultation, event planning & leadership.It's gonna be pretty cool. Would love to see you there. :) #childtrafficking #depression #NYC #NewYorkCity #support #mentalhealthawareness #stigma #acoustic #livemusic #enddepression #endtrafficking #healtheworld #singersongwriter #indieartist #guitar

My next gig in NYC is in 6 days @treehausmimanyc This time it will just be an acoustic guitarist and I. The event supports in their efforts to help end child trafficking and NYC depression with consultation, event planning & leadership.It's gonna be pretty cool. Would love to see you there. :) #childtrafficking #depression #NYC #NewYorkCity #support #mentalhealthawareness #stigma #acoustic #livemusic #enddepression #endtrafficking #healtheworld #singersongwriter #indieartist #guitar

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6. marraskuuta 2017