#Repost @centerforldsarts with @get_repost・・・Want to win two, free tickets to CENTER STAGE? Plus the chance to hang out with me and @jennblosil (of American Idol fame) after the show? 🏻️Here’s how:1. Follow @centerforldsarts 2. Tag a friend you’d like to share Center Stage with! (Multiple tags count for multiple entries)——————Share on and rock on! WINNERS will be chosen at-random and announced next Thursday, June 20th! _____________#centerforldsartsfestival #centerstage #nonprofitorganization #lds #ldsartists #ldsmusic #americanidol #popstar #kayeplayhouse #art #music #musicians #concert #rock #broadway #indiemusic #promotion #giveaway #nyc #concertpromotion

#Repost @centerforldsarts with @get_repost・・・Want to win two, free tickets to CENTER STAGE? Plus the chance to hang out with me and @jennblosil (of American Idol fame) after the show? 🏻️Here’s how:1. Follow @centerforldsarts 2. Tag a friend you’d like to share Center Stage with! (Multiple tags count for multiple entries)——————Share on and rock on! WINNERS will be chosen at-random and announced next Thursday, June 20th! _____________#centerforldsartsfestival #centerstage #nonprofitorganization #lds #ldsartists #ldsmusic #americanidol #popstar #kayeplayhouse #art #music #musicians #concert #rock #broadway #indiemusic #promotion #giveaway #nyc #concertpromotion

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

17. kesäkuuta 2019