#Repost @indierella_ with @get_repost・・・SO pumped to feature @thejonna for INDIERELLA's first artist profile. Check out my interview with this incredible singer-songwriter! #linkinbio…#music #interview #musicblog #musicblogger #indie #indiepop #singersongwriter #musician #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #artist #profile #instablogger #checkitout #nyc #musiciansofinstagram #featured #featuredtoday

#Repost @indierella_ with @get_repost・・・SO pumped to feature @thejonna for INDIERELLA's first artist profile. Check out my interview with this incredible singer-songwriter! #linkinbio...#music #interview #musicblog #musicblogger #indie #indiepop #singersongwriter #musician #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #artist #profile #instablogger #checkitout #nyc #musiciansofinstagram #featured #featuredtoday

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25. tammikuuta 2018