Since it's World Mental Health Day, I wanted to share a song from my album "Sound Mind". In this song I sing about what it feels like when I've been depressed. You really aren't yourself. It feels like there is nothing to live for. You don't feel like doing any of those things that you normally enjoy doing. In fact, you don't feel like doing anything. Let us try to be aware of these signs in ourselves and in each other. Let's ask those awkward questions. Let's talk about it. Let's help one another. #worldmentalhealthday #mentalhealthawareness #depression #soundmind #stillbreathing #singersongwriter #stigma #awareness #teensuicide #prevention #help #depressionawareness #noshame #mentalhealthmatters

Since it's World Mental Health Day, I wanted to share a song from my album "Sound Mind". In this song I sing about what it feels like when I've been depressed. You really aren't yourself. It feels like there is nothing to live for. You don't feel like doing any of those things that you normally enjoy doing. In fact, you don't feel like doing anything. Let us try to be aware of these signs in ourselves and in each other. Let's ask those awkward questions. Let's talk about it. Let's help one another. #worldmentalhealthday #mentalhealthawareness #depression #soundmind #stillbreathing #singersongwriter #stigma #awareness #teensuicide #prevention #help #depressionawareness #noshame #mentalhealthmatters

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11. lokakuuta 2017