Thank you @adamdietlein for your fabulous performance in “Beautiful” The Carole King Musical. And for taking us backstage. @beautifulcarolekingmonbway #broadway #theater #onstage #backstage #theatre #actor #friends #fabulous #nyc #caroleking @carole_king #naturalwoman #ifeeltheearthmove #somekindofwonderful #locomotion #youvegotafriend #singersongwriter #songwriter #biography #grammywinner

Thank you @adamdietlein for your fabulous performance in “Beautiful” The Carole King Musical.  And for taking us backstage. @beautifulcarolekingmonbway #broadway #theater #onstage #backstage #theatre #actor #friends #fabulous #nyc #caroleking @carole_king #naturalwoman #ifeeltheearthmove #somekindofwonderful #locomotion #youvegotafriend #singersongwriter #songwriter #biography #grammywinner

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19. helmikuuta 2018