Thank you @glblctzn for an incredible festival! What a beautiful mission it is to get thousands of people involved in trying to make this world a better place. We participated by signing petitions, emailing and tweeting the world leaders and got free tickets to this fantastic festival! @theglobalgoals @unitednations @janetjackson #makeadifference #together #worldleaders #globalcitizenfestival #nyc #janetjackson #shawnmendes #theweeknd #janellemonae #johnlegend #music #musicfestival

Thank you @glblctzn for an incredible festival! What a beautiful mission it is to get thousands of people involved in trying to make this world a better place. We participated by signing petitions, emailing and tweeting the world leaders and got free tickets to this fantastic festival! @theglobalgoals @unitednations @janetjackson #makeadifference #together #worldleaders #globalcitizenfestival #nyc #janetjackson #shawnmendes #theweeknd #janellemonae #johnlegend #music #musicfestival

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

30. syyskuuta 2018