Thanks to all that came out to see me play @amplyfi in Hollywood on Saturday!! The gig wouldn't have been the same without you. #friends #fun #hugs #thanks #gratitude #musicvenue #performance #singer #indieartist #indiepop #indiemusic #underground #speakeasy #gem #musicvenue #secretspot #livemusic #orio #pinkhair #beautifulpeople #love #goodvibes

Thanks to all that came out to see me play @amplyfi in Hollywood on Saturday!! The gig wouldn't have been the same without you.  #friends #fun #hugs #thanks #gratitude #musicvenue #performance #singer #indieartist #indiepop #indiemusic #underground #speakeasy #gem #musicvenue #secretspot #livemusic #orio #pinkhair #beautifulpeople #love #goodvibes

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

26. kesäkuuta 2017