This is something we CAN do together to help control the spread of Covid19. Please join me on Friday in whatever capacity you can. We can even donate the money we would have spent on food, to someone who could really use it at this time (e.g. buy a gift card to services that are on hold due to the epidemic). If you can’t go without food, you can "fast" in some other way. You can go without Social Media or TV for instance and focus that energy towards this cause. Who’s with me?#epidemic #pandemic #faith #prayer #unite #believe #relief #covid19 #fasting

This is something we CAN do together to help control the spread of Covid19. Please join me on Friday in whatever capacity you can. We can even donate the money we would have spent on food, to someone who could really use it at this time (e.g. buy a gift card to services that are on hold due to the epidemic). If you can’t go without food, you can "fast" in some other way. You can go without Social Media or TV for instance and focus that energy towards this cause. Who’s with me?#epidemic #pandemic #faith #prayer #unite #believe #relief #covid19 #fasting

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

9. huhtikuuta 2020