This made my day. The waiter surprised me with a complimentary dessert. Why? For no reason really. Maybe he thought I was nice. I was just being chatty as usual. #luckyme #luckygirl #mademyday #countyourblessings #namethemonebyone #begrateful #remember #goodmoments #dessert #thankful #foodoninstagram #strawberry #icecream #lavacake #chocolatecake #gooddeeds #nyc #centralpark #restaurant #lunch #benicetopeople #friendly

This made my day. The waiter surprised me with a complimentary dessert. Why? For no reason really. Maybe he thought I was nice. I was just being chatty as usual. #luckyme #luckygirl #mademyday #countyourblessings #namethemonebyone #begrateful #remember #goodmoments #dessert #thankful #foodoninstagram #strawberry #icecream #lavacake #chocolatecake #gooddeeds #nyc #centralpark #restaurant #lunch #benicetopeople #friendly

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

19. toukokuuta 2018