Today a guy from Amnesty International wanted to stop me on the street, but I didn't have the time and told him that "I'm sorry I'm late"…and added the word "already" cause it sounded weird without it. He was so clever that he then rubbed his belly and asked "What is this then?" as he looked at my belly. That was just so inappropriate in so many ways. Especially since I'm not pregnant, he was basically just making fun of my body. #terrible #sorude #bodypositive #mybodypositive #inappropriate #amnestyinternational #amnesty #streetcollectors #badreputation #notcool #mybody #belly #notpregnant #mocking #mean #outofline #bodyshape #trend #youarebeautiful #yourbody #booty #alldifferent #bodyawareness #loveoneanother

Today a guy from Amnesty International wanted to stop me on the street, but I didn't have the time and told him that "I'm sorry I'm late"...and added the word "already" cause it sounded weird without it. He was so clever that he then rubbed his belly and asked "What is this then?" as he looked at my belly. That was just so inappropriate in so many ways. Especially since I'm not pregnant, he was basically just making fun of my body. #terrible #sorude #bodypositive #mybodypositive #inappropriate #amnestyinternational #amnesty #streetcollectors #badreputation #notcool #mybody #belly #notpregnant #mocking #mean #outofline #bodyshape #trend #youarebeautiful #yourbody #booty #alldifferent #bodyawareness #loveoneanother

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27. lokakuuta 2017