When we were taking this picture today, I felt beautiful. But looking at it now all I can see is how round my face is nowadays, how out of style the shirt I’m wearing is and how boring my hair looks like. How can we let go of the self criticism? How can we stop comparing ourselves to not only others but to our old selves as well? I’ve gained weight over the years and keep forgetting that I don’t look the same anymore. I need to work on accepting and loving myself the way I am right now. Double chin, round cheeks and all. #selflove #learning #honestly #beauty #toughday #selfcriticism #selfconfidence #nocomparison #hereandnow #loveyourself #dontjudge #begentle #youarebeautiful #real #large #biggirls

When we were taking this picture today, I felt beautiful. But looking at it now all I can see is how round my face is nowadays, how out of style the shirt I’m wearing is and how boring my hair looks like. How can we let go of the self criticism? How can we stop comparing ourselves to not only others but to our old selves as well? I’ve gained weight over the years and keep forgetting that I don’t look the same anymore. I need to work on accepting and loving myself the way I am right now. Double chin, round cheeks and all. #selflove #learning #honestly #beauty #toughday #selfcriticism #selfconfidence #nocomparison #hereandnow #loveyourself #dontjudge #begentle #youarebeautiful #real #large #biggirls

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

28. syyskuuta 2018