Wow! Kesha is so brave to open up and be vulnerable for the sake of helping others and bringing hope to those struggling with depression, anxiety, eating disorders etc. I highly recommend watching “Rainbow the film”! It will be available on Apple today! #privilege #prescreening #meettheartist #fan #documentary #film #visualart #beautiful #story #strong #brave #vulnerable #mentalhealth #depression #eatingdisorder #kesha #mentalillness #anxiety #songwriter #singersongwriter #1iota @iiswhoiis @1iota

Wow! Kesha is so brave to open up and be vulnerable for the sake of helping others and bringing hope to those struggling with depression, anxiety, eating disorders etc. I highly recommend watching “Rainbow the film”! It will be available on Apple today! #privilege #prescreening #meettheartist #fan #documentary #film #visualart #beautiful #story #strong #brave #vulnerable #mentalhealth #depression #eatingdisorder #kesha #mentalillness #anxiety #songwriter #singersongwriter #1iota @iiswhoiis @1iota

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Sähköposti: ei julkaista

10. elokuuta 2018