Yay Angry birds representing Finland at the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade. #finnish #angrybirds #rovio #game #finland #thanksgiving #thanksgivingday #parade #macysthanksgivingdayparade #balloons #charliebrown #hellokitty #trolls #powerranger #iceage #frozen #scrat #spongebob #squarepants #fun #olaf

Yay Angry birds representing Finland at the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade. #finnish #angrybirds #rovio #game #finland #thanksgiving #thanksgivingday #parade #macysthanksgivingdayparade #balloons #charliebrown #hellokitty #trolls #powerranger #iceage #frozen #scrat #spongebob #squarepants #fun #olaf

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25. marraskuuta 2017